Included in the CallGuide Online concept is:
The online functions are mainly administrated in CallGuide Admin, but also involves various interfaces, described in Interface specifications documents. One example is co-browsing, included in CallGuide Web SDK, a collection of application programming interfaces (APIs).
Collaborative browsing, or co-browsing, means that two people, in their own respective web browsers together look at the same web pages, at the same time. With the Agent – co-browsing licence and the Execute co-browsing access function, functions in CallGuide Agent are activated, making it possible for the agent to remotely demonstrate details on your web pages to the customers, write in the customers’ web forms and when needed, direct the customers on to other web sites.
You can read more about CallGuide Co-browsing functions in sections describing how to work with CallGuide Agent.
For more detailed information regarding the client side of the Co-browsing functions, see the document Configuration Instructions CallGuide Web SDK. How to configure the Co-browsing functions on the server side is described in the document Configuration Instructions CallGuide Co-browsing. The values to be supplied in CallGuide Admin, is found System parameters menu choice, the Interfaces tab.
Telia CallGuide version 10.1. New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB